Tuesday, August 3, 2010

REAL FOOD Newsletter- July

Keeping it real; REAL FOOD
Real- authentic; genuine.

The concept behind this newsletter is, quite simply as the title suggests, getting and keeping real food in our lives. We need to realize how the movement away from that practice and towards processed, artificial foods has negatively impacted our bodies, our health, and our planet. How do we come to this realization, this understanding? Mindfulness; thinking about what we consume and making a mental note about how we feel after we consume it is a great starting point. It seems that people are more conscientious when it comes to the type and brand of gas that they put into their cars than the food that goes into their bodies. My hope is that this newsletter will, if even in a small way, contribute to getting people to REALLY thinking about their food choices and in this way getting onto a path to health and wellness, connecting, and consuming the food that will lead to a life that is more balanced, energetic, and fun; Real.

Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants. - Michael Pollan -In Defense of Food

Real Advice: Try Something New
Summer is finally in full force, and the living is easy! Do you notice in summertime how everything seems promising? The plants are in full bloom and the sun feels glorious on your skin. The longer days give you boundless energy, making you feel like it’s possible to achieve all your desires and dreams. Why not harness this energy, ride the wave of summer and try something new?

Throughout the year we live at an intense pace (physical, emotional and mental), and we often get stuck in routine, either for the sake of efficiency or out of fear of unfamiliar territory. The lack of variety in doing the same things over and over stagnates not only our minds, but also our bodies and hearts. Are you hesitant to break your routine? Fear and excitement have the same physiological expression in our bodies; it is our mind that classifies the feeling as either positive or negative. So the next time you consider a change in routine and your mind says “scary!” see if you can re-frame it as “exciting!”

What is something you have never done before or that you have wanted to do for a long time? Choose your own adventure: organize a kayak trip, take a dance class, do some exotic traveling or set a goal for a new personal challenge. Or try something simple, like playing flashlight tag with your kids and neighbors or reading in the sunshine. Maybe it’s time to discover a new vegetable dish or to visit a new town, restaurant or beach.

Whatever adventure calls to you, use this summer to make it happen and enjoy your life. Increasing new experiences and excitement in your life can decrease your dependence on artificial stimulants like caffeine and sugar, leading to more vibrant health. Watch out for massive improvements in physical well-being, mental acuity and motivation, plus a full portfolio of fun.

Real Food Focus: Raw and Cooling Salads

Why is it that in the summer we naturally crave more fresh and raw foods? These foods have a cooling effect on the body. The lightness and high water, fiber and vitamin content work together to act as our internal air conditioning during these warm months. At this time of year we also need less dense, high-energy food because we get so much energy from being outside in the fresh air and sunshine.

There is no better season than summer to have fun creating your own fresh, tasty, creative salad combinations. By simply tossing together several of your favorite raw veggies, naked or with a light dressing, you have a perfect meal for a hot summer’s day.

· Try your favorite leafy lettuce with various sliced, diced or grated veggies. The possible combinations are endless.
· Fresh herbs are a wonderful option to mix in, as they are packed full of flavor.
· Experiment with adding diverse forms of protein to your salads, such as nuts, seeds, beans, tofu, fish or poultry.
· Pick up a light and healthy dressing at your local health food store, or mix up something easy, like lemon juice, black pepper and olive oil.

This is a great opportunity to try a new vegetable from your market. What are some creative flavors you’ve never tried before? Fennel and mint? Daikon radish and arugula? Summer squash with watercress? Whatever you choose, have fun with your food and stay cool. Happy summer!

Real Recipes of the Month:

Bok Choy Apple Slaw
Prep time: 7 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

6 stalks bok choy (about 1/2 head), thinly sliced
1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
1 granny smith apple, sliced
1/2 cup toasted sunflower seeds

1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice)
1/4 cup olive oil
2 teaspoons honey or brown rice syrup
salt and black pepper to taste

1. First make the dressing by combining all the ingredients and whisking well.
2. Chop all the salad ingredients, leaving the apples until last. Mix in a salad bowl.
3. Toss salad with half the dressing. Add additional dressing if desired.
4. Eat immediately, or chill for up to one hour and then add the apples just before eating.

Asian Watercress Salad
Prep time: 7 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

1 bunch washed watercress
1 cup grated carrots
1 cup baked tofu
1-1/2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil
2/3 tablespoons plum vinegar or other vinegar

1. Tear watercress into desirable size pieces.
2. Mix with carrots in a salad bowl.
3. Drizzle sesame oil and vinegar over salad and toss.
4. Dice tofu into bite-size strips.
5. Serve in individual salad bowls, sprinkle tofu on top of each and serve.

About Me
To find out more about me and what I do as a Holistic Health Counselor, (certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners -AADP), check out my website: http://www.lauriemmann.com/.

Check out my article on Simple, Good and Tasty http://www.blogger.com/IIN/Marketing/v_marketing_materials_word/v_marketing_materials/c_newsletters/2_monthly_newsletters/www.simplegoodandtasty.com -The Connection Between Meg Ryan Films And Locally Grown Strawberries.

Forward to a Friend
It’s such a pleasure to help those closest to us become happier and healthier. Please forward this newsletter to friends, family members or colleagues who might be interested and inspired by it.

Copyright 2009 Integrative Nutrition

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